The New Zealand Disability Strategy
The Disability Services Team makes sure that the New Zealand Disability Strategy is a part of HDC’s organisational strategy. HDC recognises that people with disabilities are diverse and have different experiences of disability.
The Strategy realises the rights of disabled people and supports the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Convention) in New Zealand.
We present at least four seminars to people with disabilities each year. We also produce at least two new educational resources for people with disabilities, or health and disability services providers each year. These resources are available in an accessible format, and/or plain English. Some resources are also available in Easy Read.
In addition, HDC also contracts with the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service to engage with people, including disabled people, through online promotion and promotional leaflets and posters, by responding to telephone and email enquiries, through face to face educational sessions, and by networking in their local communities, including making visits to disability residential services.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
New Zealand ratified the Convention in 2008. Ratification means that New Zealand must make a regular report to the United Nations on how the country has implemented the Convention.